Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My New Baby

The world is beginning once again as I hold you in my arms
Your skin is soft, your eyes are blue
Your hunger cues a soft alarm
The world becomes much larger as I see it through your eyes
Your wonder, your confusion
Become my elation and surprise
The world grows more beautiful as I watch your lovely face
Your smile is fresh, your heart is pure
The world, I'm sure, is a better place

January is a great time for new beginnings. I just had my third baby in October of 2010 and in a couple of days we will celebrate the second birthday of my first daughter. I am hoping to post more often this year. I have to learn how to use this blog more effectively. I am still trying to get the basics down. The poem I wrote above could be used for a greeting card or you could just email it to a friend to congratulate them. It expresses my feelings as a new mother with each new child and I am sure that many new mothers feel this way.

I do enjoy writing poetry. I resolve this year to write more poetry and share it with you.

Edited:  10/23/13 to add photos


  1. Michelle, this is a lovely poem. And as a fellow mama of three, I can sympathize with your feelings.

  2. I felt the same way about my son. I'm sure I will always feel this way.
