Friday, January 7, 2011


Sometimes I feel like a grown up in disguise.
I thought when I grew up that I would be wise
It seems like I wear an “Adult” mask
I thought being older made me equal to the task
When I was young I thought I knew what growing up meant
I would be taller and smarter and do what I want
I would know what to do and have a solution
I would be wise and prepared for each situation
I try to not to worry but I feel I pretend
Like I am still playing house just like I was then
But now it is different; it is worse, in fact
I know I am faking, and it is all just an act
But the people around me are real and true
I can make mistakes and not know what to do
They will see I am not the adult I should be
The consequences will hurt not only me
I want my mother and father to say
That they are in charge and all is okay
At this time in my life when I feel most like a child
When I am meek and humble and mild
I am most prepared for advice and submission
And ready to listen to another’s decision
Is the time I have learned to turn to God
To seek His counsel and lean on His rod
In His presence I realize
I have no need of an grown up disguise
I am His child and He is my Father
To Him my problems are not a bother
He can protect and give me His care
And teach me to love and teach me to share
I learn from His example and compassion
I make myself in His kind of fashion
A true kind of grown up who knows what to say:
“When the going gets tough, the tough go to pray”

by Michelle Steimle

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My New Baby

The world is beginning once again as I hold you in my arms
Your skin is soft, your eyes are blue
Your hunger cues a soft alarm
The world becomes much larger as I see it through your eyes
Your wonder, your confusion
Become my elation and surprise
The world grows more beautiful as I watch your lovely face
Your smile is fresh, your heart is pure
The world, I'm sure, is a better place

January is a great time for new beginnings. I just had my third baby in October of 2010 and in a couple of days we will celebrate the second birthday of my first daughter. I am hoping to post more often this year. I have to learn how to use this blog more effectively. I am still trying to get the basics down. The poem I wrote above could be used for a greeting card or you could just email it to a friend to congratulate them. It expresses my feelings as a new mother with each new child and I am sure that many new mothers feel this way.

I do enjoy writing poetry. I resolve this year to write more poetry and share it with you.

Edited:  10/23/13 to add photos