Monday, April 4, 2022

Tracing Pages for Older Kids

I got a new job as a paraeducator during pandemic schooling.  It was a stressful and fun year.  As I have been working in the classroom I get to see some of things I wish I had done with my kids when they were in preschool.  But it is never too late to start doing better.  So I will share with my tracing pages for kids who like Mario and Zelda.  As I make more I may share them here.

Slip these in a clear plastic sleeve and give your kids a dry erase marker or a few colors.  My son actually colored the turtle shells too.  So I also slipped in the printed coloring pages I used to trace these and he went to town coloring those too.

I also printed a coloring page of Link and made a simple line tracing version of that for helping them practice tracing.